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Conference Pass


Don’t miss your chance to prioritize safety and empower your workforce. Register now for the IP Utility Safety Conference and dive deep into expert insights, cutting-edge solutions, and invaluable networking opportunities.

Register for iP Utility Safety

Conference & Expo!

All-Access Conference Pass Includes:
  • Access to the full 3-day conference
  • Opening Keynote Breakfast and networking lunches
  • Evening Welcome Reception
  • Exhibit Hall access to discover new utility safety products
  • Attendance Certificate Sent After the Conference to use for your Recertification Requirements.
  • USOLN members receive a registration $150 discount*

Group Rates

Discount available for 6 or more attendees

Group Registration

We can assist you with getting your group registered.

You can chose from having everyone on a single invoice or email each person an invoice with the group rate.

*Cannot be combined with any other offers


$500 VISA Gift Card

Find out how

If you are a past conference attendee or current CUSP, we want you to share your experience about the conference. 

Refer a 1st time conference attendee & get entered to win a $500 VISA gift card!

The 1st time conference attendee that you refer gets $200 off their conference registration after submitting the request with your name that referred them.  You will be entered into a drawing to receive a $500 VISA gift card.  You do not need to be present to win.

You can refer multiple peers for additional entries.

$200 off Registration

1st time conference attendees – Don’t register yet

First time attendee submit your request to be verified as a 1st time attendee and to receive an emailed invoice with the $200 off the registration. 

You will be asked to provide the name of the person who referred you.  That person needs to have been a prior conference attendee or a current CUSP.

First time attendee must register and pay by March 31, 2025.

*Cannot be combined with any other offers including the USOLN member discount

CUSP points and continuing education credit are available

Need help convincing leadership to attend attend? Download our Justification Letter!

Registering, attending or participation in the iP Utility Safety Conference constitutes and agreement by the registrant to iP’s use and distribution of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audio tapes of such events and activities.